Datacenter Proxies Use Cases

datacenter proxies use cases

Updated on: July 26, 2024

Datacenter proxies are an excellent multi-purpose tool since they have low prices and excellent connectivity. Datacenter proxies are the most cost-effective proxy option available. They have a lot of advantages, but they won’t be beneficial in every situation. That is why it is important to know the datacenter proxies use cases.

Datacenter proxies are not associated with any Internet service provider (ISP). A secondary business owns the IPs and offers you anonymity. We will examine datacenter proxies use cases in this post.

Datacenter Proxies Advantages

Datacenter proxies are the proxies you find everywhere in our digital age. They have nothing to do with your internet connection or internet service provider when they disguise your IP address. They are entirely self-contained in all conditions. You can thus protect your IP address when viewing restricted websites.

One of the standout features of some datacenter proxies is their ability to use a rotating proxy service. A rotating proxy assigns a new datacenter IP address to each request or at set intervals. This feature is especially useful for tasks that require a high level of anonymity or need to avoid triggering anti-bot measures. For instance, web scraping activities can greatly benefit from rotating proxies, as they can prevent the target server from recognizing and blocking the IP due to irregular behavior.

Moreover, a rotating proxy system can be vital for businesses employing bots for price comparison, SEO monitoring, and other automated data harvesting processes. Businesses can gather data more successfully without worrying about target websites blacklisting them by frequently changing the IP address.

Quick Overview of Advantages

  • Reasonable price. Because many users work with the same proxy, the proxy provider can divide the expenses and lower the service fee. Alternatively, you may obtain private datacenter proxies, which, as the name implies, will solely belong to you. However, this will significantly increase your costs.
  • Fast speed. Servers facilitate connections with a large number of users. As a result, while employing datacenter proxies, you may expect very high bandwidth.
  • Many datacenter proxies use cases. Generally, individuals disguise their IP addresses to access geo-restricted material or to remain anonymous. Datacenter proxies will suffice for these and many more. We will talk about them in a following section of this article.
  • Protection. Even if websites can determine if you are using a proxy or not, datacenter proxies nevertheless mask your IP address. Email protection is one of the most common uses for these proxies.
  • Stability. A decent datacenter proxy will have a high uptime of roughly 99%}, with little chance of bandwidth overflow. The datacenter servers guarantee their availability.

Unlimited Bandwidth in Datacenter Proxies

Another critical aspect of datacenter proxies is the offering of unlimited bandwidth. Bandwidth is often a choke point for many online activities, but with datacenter proxies that provide unlimited bandwidth, such as those from Kocerroxy, users can enjoy uninterrupted and fast-speed internet usage.

Companies running extensive marketing campaigns, streaming large volumes of content, or managing sizeable data transfers stand to benefit significantly from datacenter proxies with unlimited bandwidth. This feature eliminates concerns about hitting data caps, which can slow down operations or incur additional costs.

When combined with high-speed data centers, datacenter proxies with unlimited bandwidth can facilitate connections for a large number of users, ensuring that data flows swiftly and efficiently across the network. As a result, tasks such as bulk data scraping, competitive intelligence gathering, and mass media downloading are performed with greater speed and reliability.

Datacenter Proxies Disadvantages

The target server is more likely to suspect something is up and search for irregularities in your behavior when you use a datacenter IP. This makes datacenter proxies a poor choice for web scraping projects and other use cases when you have to use a bot.

  • Possibility of banned accounts and IPs. IPs associated with datacenters rather than home users are more easily spotted and blocked by websites since they belong to datacenters and not home users.
  • Inadequate for web scraping. Residential proxies will do a better job of mimicking a real user for your web scrapers. However, a datacenter proxy can easily activate anti-spam systems.
  • Not easy to use. Datacenter proxies do not rotate. Consequently, they require more knowledge and maintenance than residential proxies, which rely readily on backconnect servers.
  • Locations. More locations imply physical datacenters operating in multiple places around the world. The maintenance and staff costs will increase accordingly. Therefore, datacenter proxies often cover fewer regions than residential proxies.

Residential Vs. Datacenter Proxies

We already know what datacenter proxies are. Now, let’s take a look at the residential ones. When you use this proxy type to route your connection, you will seem to be an actual resident of the nation where the medium device is situated. As a result, you get dependable coverage and a real user’s IP address.

Let’s look at the main distinctions between residential and datacenter proxies.

  • Datacenter proxies are less expensive. Obtaining residential IP addresses is more challenging.
  • Datacenter proxies are faster. You don’t have to rely on the internet speed and resources of the home proxy device.
  • Datacenter proxies are more reliable. The servers holding the IP pool guarantee their availability as opposed to end-users’ devices.
  • Residential proxies are preferable for web scraping. They are considerably better at concealing the identity of the scraping bot.
  • Residential proxies are harder to be discovered and banned. To limit bots, most targeted websites have detection mechanisms in place to detect datacenter IPs.
  • Residential proxies have better scalability. They scale well since they have pools that can hold millions of IPs.

If you want to read more in-depth information about the differences between residential and datacenter proxies, read this article.

Datacenter Proxies Use Cases

  • Unblock geo-restricted content. Utilizing the proxy server’s IP address, you can disguise your location with datacenter proxies. If a particular resource is not available in your region, you may connect to a datacenter proxy located in an area that has access to it.
  • Get rid of an IP address ban. Proxy servers can circumvent IP blacklisting or bans when your IP address doesn’t work anymore. When you connect to a proxy server, you will obtain its IP address and use it to disguise your own. As a result, the destination site will not flag your viewing of the material as prohibited.
  • Online shopping. Online retailers frequently display different pricing for consumers from various areas. As a result, by changing your IP address and claiming to be in another country, you may discover whether there is reduced pricing.
  • Anonymous browsing. Proxy servers allow you to hide your IP address and identity while accessing the internet. To preserve your online privacy, use datacenter proxies from a reliable provider.
  • Monitor requests. Filter incoming and outgoing traffic with datacenter proxies to monitor your network. You may restrict website access and generally minimize internet use.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are datacenter proxies used for?

Datacenter proxies are used for a wide range of legitimate purposes across various industries and activities. These proxies offer speed and reliability, making them suitable for specific datacenter proxies use cases. 

Here are some common datacenter proxies use cases:

  • Web Scraping and Data Mining. Datacenter proxies are frequently employed for web scraping and data extraction from websites and online sources. They make it possible for businesses and researchers to gather large amounts of data without the target websites’ blocking or restrictions.
  • SEO Monitoring. Digital marketers and SEO professionals use datacenter proxies to monitor search engine rankings, track keyword performance, and analyze competitors’ websites without revealing their true location.
  • Competitor Research. Companies use datacenter proxies to gather market intelligence and competitive insights by anonymously accessing competitor websites, pricing data, and marketing strategies.
  • Price Comparison. E-commerce businesses often use datacenter proxies to scrape product prices and details from competitor websites, allowing them to adjust their pricing strategies.
  • Ad Verification. Advertisers and ad agencies use datacenter proxies to verify the placement and performance of online advertisements to prevent fraud and ensure ad campaigns are running as intended.
  • Load Testing. Software developers and quality assurance teams use datacenter proxies to simulate heavy traffic and test the scalability and performance of web applications and services.
  • Access to Geo-Restricted Content. Datacenter proxies can be used to access geo-restricted content and services, such as streaming platforms and websites that are not accessible from certain regions.
  • Server Management. System administrators and IT professionals may use datacenter proxies to manage remote servers and network equipment securely and efficiently.
  • Anonymous Browsing. Some users prefer datacenter proxies for anonymous browsing, especially when their primary goal is to access websites without revealing their identity.

How to use datacenter proxy?

Using datacenter proxies typically involves configuring your software, application, or device to route internet traffic through a datacenter proxy server. 

Here’s a general outline of the steps to use datacenter proxies:

  • Choose a Datacenter Proxy Provider. Select a reputable datacenter proxy provider.
  • Obtain Proxy Credentials. After subscribing to a datacenter proxy service, you will receive proxy credentials. These credentials usually include the proxy IP address, port number, username, and password.
  • Configure Proxy Settings. Depending on your use case, you can configure proxy settings at different levels, such as your web browser, operating system, or specific applications. Here’s how to configure proxies in a few common environments:
    • Web Browsers (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox):
      • Open your browser settings.
      • Navigate to the “Proxy” or “Network” section.
      • Enter the proxy IP address and port number provided by your proxy provider.
      • Optionally, enter the proxy username and password if required.
      • Save or apply the settings.
    • On Windows:
      • Open the “Settings” or “Control Panel.”
      • Navigate to the “Network & Internet” or “Network and Sharing Center” section.
      • Click on “Proxy settings” or “Change proxy settings.”
      • Configure the proxy settings by entering the proxy IP address, port, and authentication details.
      • Save the settings.
    • On macOS:
      • Open “System Preferences.”
      • Go to “Network.”
      • Select your network connection (e.g., Wi-Fi or Ethernet).
      • Click on “Advanced” and navigate to the “Proxies” tab.
      • Configure the proxy settings by entering the proxy details.
      • Save the settings.
    • On Linux:
      • Proxy configuration can vary depending on the distribution and desktop environment you are using. You may find proxy settings in network settings or by using command-line tools like export http_proxy and export https_proxy.

What are the three types of proxies?

  1. Datacenter proxies are known for their speed and reliability. They are often used for web scraping, SEO monitoring, competitive research, and accessing geo-restricted content. Datacenter proxies offer an efficient solution for various online tasks.
  2. Residential proxies use real IP addresses associated with residential networks. They are commonly employed for tasks that require a higher level of anonymity and are less likely to be detected as proxies. Residential proxies are suitable for web scraping, sneaker copping, and other applications where masking the source is essential.
  • Mobile proxies use IP addresses assigned to mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. They are highly valuable for tasks like mobile app testing, social media automation, and bypassing location-based restrictions. Mobile proxies enable users to emulate mobile device traffic for a range of applications.

What are the different types of datacenter proxies?

Datacenter proxies come in various types. Here are some different types of datacenter proxies:

  • Dedicated Datacenter Proxies. These are datacenter proxies that are exclusively assigned to a single user or client. They offer a high level of reliability and can be used for tasks that require consistency and stability, such as web scraping, market research, and automated data collection.
  • Shared Datacenter Proxies. While they are more affordable, the shared nature of these proxies means that their performance can vary, and users may experience occasional slowdowns or IP address rotation. They are suitable for less resource-intensive tasks like accessing geo-restricted content or simple browsing.
  • Rotating Datacenter Proxies. Rotating datacenter proxies automatically change the IP address at specified intervals or after each request. This feature is valuable for web scraping and crawling tasks that require frequent IP rotation.
  • Static Datacenter Proxies. Static datacenter proxies use fixed IP addresses that do not change. These are ideal for situations where you need a consistent IP address, such as managing remote servers, accessing specific websites, or maintaining a permanent online presence.
  • Reseller Datacenter Proxies. Proxy resellers buy sizable blocks of datacenter proxy IPs from various providers and offer them to customers. These proxies are typically shared and may have varying levels of performance and reliability.
  • High-Speed Datacenter Proxies. Some datacenter proxies are optimized for speed and low latency. These proxies are suitable for applications where rapid response times are critical, such as automated trading, online gaming, or time-sensitive data retrieval.
  • Geographically Targeted Datacenter Proxies. These proxies are located in specific regions or countries. Geographically targeted datacenter proxies are often used for accessing region-restricted content or localized marketing efforts.
  • Traffic-Optimized Datacenter Proxies. These proxies are fine-tuned for handling specific types of traffic, such as web browsing, video streaming, or social media interactions. 

Why do you need proxies for bots?

Proxies are commonly used in conjunction with bots for several reasons:

  • IP Rotation. Bots often need to perform repetitive tasks, such as web scraping, data collection, or automated interactions, on websites or online services. Using proxies allows for the rotation of IP addresses, which helps avoid being detected as a bot and potentially getting banned. 
  • Geographic Targeting. This is useful for tasks that involve checking region-specific information, such as local search results, pricing, or content availability. By using proxies with IP addresses from specific regions, bots can gather data relevant to those areas.
  • Load Balancing. For high-volume bot operations, proxies can help distribute the traffic across multiple IP addresses. This load balancing can prevent overloading a single IP address and improve the overall efficiency and success rate of bot tasks.
  • Rate Limit Avoidance. Many websites and APIs impose rate limits on the number of requests a single IP address can make within a certain time frame. Proxies allow bots to distribute requests across multiple IP addresses, effectively circumventing these rate limits and allowing the bot to collect data more efficiently.
  • Content Scraping. Bots often scrape data from websites, and some sites have anti-scraping measures in place. Proxies help bypass these measures by routing the scraping requests through different IP addresses, making it harder for websites to identify and block the bot.
  • Account Management. Some bots are used for managing multiple accounts or profiles on websites or social media platforms. Proxies can assist in simulating different user locations for these accounts, avoiding IP-based restrictions or potential account bans.


Datacenter proxies, with their capacity for rotating IP addresses and unlimited bandwidth, present an efficient solution for a multitude of online operations. The strategic use of proxies originating from high-performance data centers can supercharge your digital marketing texts, data collection processes, and ensure seamless connectivity for various projects.

KocerRoxy stands out by offering access to a wide array of datacenter proxies tailored to suit any budget—regardless of the scope of your internet needs, there’s a plan that fits. And, with customer support always ready to assist with live chat options, concerns, and questions, can be addressed expediently.

Whether your project aligns with the datacenter proxies use cases detailed above or you have a unique requirement, Kocerroxy invites you to experience the power of datacenter proxies and get started on your path to unrestricted internet freedom today.

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