Updated on: October 19, 2023

What to Do When Your Shopify Proxies Have Been Blocked?

Shopify Proxies Have Been Blocked

Proxy blocks can be a daunting setback for those relying on them. They can disrupt data collection, hinder ad campaigns, impede competitive analysis, or stop you from getting limited edition sneakers. It’s important to know that facing proxy blocks is not a dead end but a challenge that can be overcome. So, what should you do when your Shopify proxies have been blocked?

According to Data Hut, Amazon takes just 2 minutes to adapt to any price changes. So how can you stay ahead of the competition without a working scraping solution? This article will guide you on what to do when your Shopify proxies have been blocked. Or you can read more about the best Shopify proxies providers to avoid getting there in the first place.

Understanding Proxy Blocks on Shopify

When referring to Shopify, the term “proxy blocks” describes the action the platform takes to restrict or deny access to its resources when it notices that requests are coming from proxy servers. Users typically use these proxy servers for a variety of purposes, including web scraping, data collection, ad verification, and maintaining anonymity while browsing online stores.

Reasons for Proxy Blocks

Proxy blocks on Shopify may occur for several reasons, including:

  • Abuse and Suspicious Activity: Shopify has mechanisms in place to identify and block requests in real time that exhibit suspicious or abusive behavior. If it detects an unusually high volume of requests from a single IP address, it may interpret this as a potential threat and block the associated proxy.
  • Security Measures: To protect its platform from potential security breaches and unauthorized access, Shopify employs security algorithms with a wide range of triggers that can flag and block IPs associated with proxies.
  • Traffic Patterns: Unnatural traffic patterns, such as consistent, rapid, and repetitive requests, may trigger Shopify’s bot protection systems to block the source IP. This often occurs with poorly configured or overly aggressive scraping bots or Shopify auto checkout bots. The best bots for Shopify are those that follow a natural and predictable pattern of requests.

Immediate Impact of Blocked Proxies

When your proxies are blocked on Shopify, the consequences can be significant:

  • Disrupted Data Collection: If you rely on proxies for web scraping or data gathering, a block can halt your data collection efforts, affecting your business insights and strategies.
  • Ad Campaign Interruption: For those using proxies for ad verification or campaign management, a block can disrupt the flow of data needed to assess the effectiveness of your advertising efforts.
  • Competitive Research Hurdles: Proxy blocks can hinder competitive analysis, making it challenging to monitor competitors’ pricing, product listings, and marketing strategies.
  • Anonymity Compromised: If anonymity is a priority for your online activities, a blocked proxy can expose your identity and location, potentially leading to privacy concerns.

Steps to Take When Your Proxies Are Blocked

We’ve all experienced IP blocks one way or another. While it can take a toll on our work, it is not the end of the world. Here are some important steps to take when your Shopify proxies get blocked.

Pause All Activities

The moment you discover that your proxies have been blocked, it’s crucial to halt all scraping, browsing, or any other activities that rely on these proxies. Continuing to send requests through blocked proxies can exacerbate the issue and potentially lead to further restrictions, even having your Shopify commerce platforms accounts suspended.

Stopping all proxy-dependent activities allows you to assess the scope of the problem more accurately. Start doing tests. Is the block limited to a specific set of proxies, or does it affect your entire proxy pool? Is the block isolated to a particular task or activity? Pausing activities provides you with a clearer picture of the situation, enabling you to take more targeted corrective actions.

Check Proxy Configuration

Whether you are using datacenter proxies or residential proxies, begin by reviewing your Shopify proxy configuration settings. Ensure that there are no errors or misconfigurations that might have triggered the block. Common misconfigurations include incorrect IP addresses, port numbers, or authentication details. Correct any inaccuracies you identify.

Accessing Proxy Configuration Settings:

  • For Browser-Based Proxies: If you’re using a browser extension or a browser setting to configure proxies, access the proxy settings typically located within your browser’s settings or extensions/add-ons menu.
  • For Dedicated Proxy Management Software: If you’re using dedicated proxy management software like the user friendly FoxyProxy or ProxyMesh, open the software and navigate to the proxy configuration section.
  • For Web Scraping Libraries (e.g., Scrapy): If you’re working with web scraping libraries in Python or other programming languages, review the proxy configuration code within your scraping script.

Check Proxy Details

Here are some important things you should check about your proxies:

  • Ensure that the IP addresses specified in your proxy configuration settings match the ones provided by your proxy provider. Even a minor discrepancy can lead to a block.
  • Double-check that your proxies are not on any known blacklists or have a history of misuse.
  • Make sure the port numbers in your configuration match those that your proxy provider has given you. Mismatched port numbers can trigger connection issues.
  • Ensure that your proxy provider supports the chosen port type (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS) for the intended activity.
  • If your proxies require authentication (username and password), verify that the credentials in your configuration are accurate.
  • Consider switching to IP whitelisting if your proxy provider offers this option. It eliminates the need for usernames and passwords, reducing the chance of misconfiguration.
  • If not already, try switching to residential IPs and see if this solves your issues.

Proxy Rotation Settings

Misconfigurations in rotation intervals and methods can inadvertently create distinct patterns that Shopify’s security algorithms might identify as suspicious activity, resulting in proxy blocks.

Proxy rotation involves cycling through a pool of IP addresses to distribute your scraping requests more evenly, imitating the behavior of multiple users. However, if your rotation settings are too predictable or too rapid, they can draw unwanted attention.

Ensure that your proxy rotation strategy aligns with Shopify’s rate limits to avoid excessive requests.

Headers and User Agents

Review any custom headers or user agents you’ve set up. These can inadvertently expose your scraping activities if not configured correctly. Ensure that they mimic legitimate browser requests.

User agents are strings that identify the client making the request. Browsers use specific user agents, and you should configure your scraper to use a user agent that resembles a real browser.

Find a list of common user agents for popular browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, and select one that fits your scraping needs.

In Python, you can set the user agent in your HTTP request headers using libraries like Requests. Here’s an example in Python:

import requests

headers = {

    ‘User-Agent’: ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36’


response = requests.get(‘https://example.com’, headers=headers)

Handling Cookies

Also, cookies are crucial for maintaining session information. Ensure that your scraper handles cookies appropriately. Store and send cookies with your requests to maintain session continuity.

Below is a Python code example using the requests library to demonstrate how to send and receive cookies with your HTTP requests:

import requests

# Create a session to manage cookies

session = requests.Session()

# Define the URL of the Shopify site you want to scrape

url = ‘https://www.example-shopify-site.com’

# Perform an initial GET request to establish a session and retrieve cookies

response = session.get(url)

# Check if the request was successful

if response.status_code == 200:

    print(“Initial request successful”)

# Here, you can scrape the initial page content or perform other actions. The ‘session’ object now contains cookies from the initial request

# Send additional requests with the session to maintain cookies. For example, let’s navigate to a different page

next_page_url = ‘https://www.example-shopify-site.com/next-page’

response = session.get(next_page_url)

# Check if the request to the next page was successful

if response.status_code == 200:

        print(“Request to the next page successful”)

# Continue scraping or interacting with the site


        print(“Failed to retrieve the next page”)


    print(“Failed to retrieve the initial page”)

# Always close the session when you’re done


In this code:

  • We create a requests.Session() object to manage cookies throughout the session.
  • We perform an initial GET request to the Shopify site, which establishes a session and retrieves cookies. This is done using the session.get(url) method.
  • We check if the initial request was successful (status code 200).
  • After the initial request, we can send additional requests using the same session object to maintain cookies and session continuity. In the example, we navigate to a hypothetical “next page.”
  • Always remember to close the session using session.close() when you’re done with your scraping or interactions.

Proxy Pool Management

If you’re managing a pool of proxies, confirm that your proxy rotation logic is working as intended. Ensure that blocked proxies are removed from the rotation promptly.

If you’re not using proxy rotation, consider implementing IP rotation as part of your proxy management strategy to mitigate the impact of blocks.

Check your logging and error-handling mechanisms. Ensure that you capture and log any proxy-related errors. This can be invaluable for diagnosing and resolving issues quickly.

Conduct a series of connection tests to verify that your proxies are functioning correctly. Attempt to connect to a website or service using each proxy to confirm their reliability.

Documentation and Version Control

Maintain detailed documentation of your proxy configuration settings. This documentation should include IP addresses, port numbers, authentication details, and any custom headers or user agents used.

Consider version control for your configuration files, especially in team settings, to track and roll back changes if necessary.

Consult Your Proxy Provider

If you encounter challenges while reviewing and correcting your proxy configuration, don’t hesitate to contact your proxy provider’s support team. They can offer expert guidance and assistance tailored to their services.

They might offer specific solutions or recommendations for addressing the block. This could involve altering proxy settings, switching to different IP types, or adjusting request rates.

In some cases, your provider may offer replacement IP addresses that are less likely to be blocked. These fresh IPs can help you regain access to Shopify without further disruption.


By diligently following these steps and continuously monitoring your scraping activities, you can significantly reduce the risk of proxy blocks and maintain a smooth and productive data extraction process on Shopify.

Remember, while proxies are powerful tools for web scraping and research, it’s essential to use Shopify proxies responsibly to ensure a positive and uninterrupted experience. What’s important is that now you know how to get around when your Shopify proxies have been blocked.

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