Updated on: March 20, 2024

Strategies to Avoid Shopify Proxy Blocks

avoid Shopify proxy blocks

Proxies allow you to access websites and content while remaining hidden from the platform or website itself. But there are bumps in the road along the way. Many Shopify users encounter a common hurdle in their pursuits: the dreaded scenario where their cherished Shopify proxies have been blocked. And they need strategies to avoid Shopify proxy blocks.

Shopify has 2.3 million daily active users from 175 countries worldwide, with the US having the biggest presence (36.49%), according to Earthweb. As more people opt to shop online, retailers face a growing challenge in meeting customer demand for products that may not be readily available in their region. Whether you are a store owner who wants to monitor the market or a shopper on the hunt for a rare find, you have come to the right place. 

In this article, we explore why they are essential for your e-commerce activities and, more importantly, what to do when proxies for Shopify encounter roadblocks. We’ll navigate the intricacies of proxy blocks and equip you with strategies and tips to overcome them. 

If you have ever had your Shopify proxies blocked, you may find this article helpful. We are here to make sure your Shopify operations continue to run smoothly and help you regain any lost ground.

Understanding Proxy Blocks on Shopify

Proxy blocks, in the context of Shopify, refer to the preventive measures taken by the platform to restrict or limit access to its services and content when detected proxy server usage is excessive or suspicious. 

Shopify has a defense mechanism in place to prevent any automated or bot-driven actions from interfering with the platform’s normal operation.

Reasons for Proxy Blocks on Shopify

  • Excessive Requests

Proxy blocks can be triggered by sending a large number of requests from a single IP address, which is often indicative of automated activity. This can happen when users attempt to scrape a large volume of data or perform frequent checkouts in a short span of time.

  • IP Reputation

Shopify actively monitors the reputation of IP addresses used to access its platform. If your IP address has a bad reputation because you have been using poor-quality or blacklisted proxies, your connection may be blocked. See how to choose the best proxies for Shopify.

  • Concurrent Sessions

Running multiple sessions or tasks simultaneously from a single IP address can raise red flags. While this may seem like an efficient approach, it can result in your proxies being flagged for suspicious behavior. See other mistakes when using proxies for Shopify.

  • Unusual Patterns

Shopify’s safety features can identify suspicious behavior on the website. If your activities deviate significantly from human-like patterns, such as rapid, repetitive actions, it can lead to suspicion and proxy blocks. 

Humans require sleep and other breaks, so using a bot that never sleeps can trigger suspicion. On a micro level, humans need at least 10 to 20 seconds to move between different pages on a website, while bots need only 1-2 seconds at most.

Impact of Proxy Blocks on Your Shopify Operations

The consequences of encountering proxy blocks on Shopify can be disruptive and detrimental to your e-commerce endeavors. Here are some key impacts:

  • Disruption of Operations

If your proxies get shut down, any bots or automated processes that rely on them will stop working. This can disrupt essential operations like inventory monitoring, price tracking, or checkout processes.

  • Loss of Opportunity

When it comes to succeeding in today’s cutthroat e-commerce market, timing is everything. Proxy blocks can result in missed opportunities to secure limited-release products or capitalize on time-sensitive deals.

  • Wasted Resources

Paying for proxy services and then having them blocked is a waste of resources. Setting up and configuring proxies takes time and energy, which adds to the financial cost. See top factors to consider when choosing a Shopify proxy.

  • Reputation Damage

Repeated proxy blocks can negatively impact your online reputation, potentially leading to restrictions or bans from the Shopify platform.

Strategies to Avoid Proxy Blocks

1. Use Rotating Proxies

Rotating proxies involve the automatic switching of IP addresses at predefined intervals or after a certain number of requests. This rotation of IPs makes it challenging for Shopify to detect and block your activities based on a single IP address. It will also help you avoid Shopify proxy blocks.

Benefits of switching IP addresses regularly:

  • Enhanced Anonymity

Regular IP rotation enhances your anonymity, making it difficult for Shopify to link multiple requests to a single user.

  • Distributed Load

By distributing requests across multiple IP addresses, you avoid overloading a single proxy, reducing the risk of detection.

  • IP Diversity

Rotating IPs provide diversity, mimicking the behavior of multiple users and reducing the likelihood of triggering security measures.

2. Employ Residential Proxies

Residential proxies use IP addresses assigned to real homes, making them more legitimate in the eyes of e-commerce platforms like Shopify. As a result, they have a lower risk of being exposed as proxies. An organic and genuine online persona is linked to their home IP address. 

Residential proxies might be slower than datacenter proxies, but there’s a quick fix. Choose proxies that are geographically close to the Shopify server you are trying to access to mitigate any slowdowns that may occur. This reduces connection times and improves the speed of your transactions. 

3. IP Rotation and Delays

Another way to avoid Shopify proxy blocks is to pay attention to IP rotation and delays. Imitating human behavior requires varying the time between requests. Consistently rapid requests can trigger suspicion. Randomizing delays between actions helps your activities appear more natural. Real people don’t have exact time patterns or do everything at a certain interval.

Random delays, such as waiting a few seconds between clicks or interactions, create a journey on the website that resembles human browsing. This randomness reduces the predictability of your actions, making detection less likely.

4. Avoid Overloading Proxies

Avoid overloading your proxies with an excessive number of requests in a short time frame. Balancing speed and caution is essential. While speed is crucial for productivity, it should not be at the expense of your proxies being overloaded and eventually blocked. 

Opt for a moderate and sustainable request rate. Rather than attempting to gather every piece of available data, focus on collecting relevant and valuable information. In many cases, the quality of data rather than its quantity is more important.

5. Monitor IP Health

Utilize IP health monitoring tools to keep an eye on the performance of your proxies. These tools can provide insights into the responsiveness, reliability, and reputation of your IP addresses. Most reputable proxy providers have built-in tools or stats in the user dashboard, and the support team will help you with any issues.

If you notice that certain proxies consistently underperform or have a poor reputation, replace them promptly. Proxies with a poor reputation are more likely to be blocked by e-commerce platforms like Shopify.


To sum up, keep in mind that there is no silver bullet for getting around Shopify proxy blocks. It is not about using just one method or proxy type, but rather a set of methods that mutually reinforce one another. Rotate your proxies for diversity, use residential proxies for authenticity, introduce delays to mimic human behavior, and always keep a watchful eye on their health.

By weaving these strategies together, you create a web of resilience that makes proxy blocks a rarity rather than a routine. Equip yourself with the best proxies, nurture their health, and employ a multifaceted strategy.

Here’s how to choose the best Shopify proxies. In doing so, the daunting message “Your Shopify proxies have been blocked” becomes a relic of the past, and your path to e-commerce triumph remains unobstructed. Happy shopping, and may your Shopify endeavors be prosperous and free from interruptions as you avoid Shopify proxy blocks.

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