Unlimited Datacenter Proxies

unlimited datacenter proxies

Updated on: June 28, 2024

The internet holds a virtually limitless amount of information. Whether you seek to tap into it as an individual, for an organization, or for a business, proxies are useful tools for numerous reasons. When you anticipate needing a large amount of bandwidth, unlimited datacenter proxies are a great, cost-effective option.

In this context, unlimited refers to their lack of a bandwidth cap in exchange for having a limited number of threads. Any provider that tries to claim they’re offering both unlimited data and connections is most likely holding a bottle of snake oil and has a bridge for sale, too.

Defining Bandwidth

As you’re probably familiar with, bandwidth is the term commonly used to indicate the volume of data sent through an internet connection during a specific length of time. In this day and age, it’s typically measured in megabits per second, or Mbps, for short. Longer time spans or program file sizes are when you switch over to gigabytes, aka GB, or even go all the way into terabytes, or TB.

For reference, a single GB is equal to eight thousand Mbps. Meanwhile, a TB is one thousand GB.

Unlimited Bandwidth

Unlimited bandwidth is when a proxy service doesn’t charge you for the volume of data you use. Instead, they charge by the time and/or the number of connections. 

If someone is offering it for free, run. There’s no way it’s truly free. Those non-monetary costs greatly outweigh the low price of an economic proxy service like KocerRoxy.

Typically, unlimited bandwidth rotating datacenter proxies are the cheaper alternative to other types of proxies. Even more so if you’re going to be doing anything large-scale. 

Metered usage can sometimes carry hefty charges when you go over your cap. It’s also generally reserved for premium residential proxies or mobile proxies rather than datacenter proxies.

Here are a few examples of times you’re better off with unlimited datacenter proxies than the alternatives.

  • Streaming. Those Netflix binge sessions and YouTube rabbit holes can eat through your data fast.
  • Online applications. There are countless programs out there that require constant internet connections. Especially when gaming, team-based player-versus-player games and massively multiplayer online role-playing games come to mind.
  • Torrents. If you were dealing with a small file, it wouldn’t require a torrent in the first place, would it?
  • Web scraping. When gathering large quantities of information, whether from a single source or several different ones, you can go through quite a lot of data.
  • Stress testing. If you run any websites of your own, depending on your services, it can be important to make sure they can handle several concurrent users. Website load testing is an important first step before you get actual users involved.

Datacenter Proxies

Datacenter proxies have their own fair share of perks and ideal use cases when compared to either residential or mobile proxies.

  • Speed. Assuming equivalent quality providers, datacenter proxies are often notably faster than residential and mobile proxies. Who hasn’t gotten at least a little impatient in a world where so many things are available so quickly?
  • Availability. Datacenter proxies are more numerous than residential and mobile proxies.
  • Price. Due to their abundance and the fact that multiple users can be cycled through the same pool concurrently, datacenter proxies are a significantly more economical option.
  • Harvesting certain types of data. Due to their speed and low cost, farming massive amounts of information can greatly benefit from using datacenter proxies. Unfortunately, there are situations where the sites you’re scraping have protections in place that identify and block datacenters, so you’ll have to invest in residential instead.

And that was all while still providing great anonymity just like the other proxy types. 

Unlike residential proxies, datacenter proxies aren’t associated with an Internet Service Provider, aka ISP. Instead, a business owns a usually large block of IP addresses, the digital equivalent to a street address, and will rotate users through them.

IP Authentication

IP address authentication is the term for how a site identifies what type of users are making requests. They’ll look at the IP source and grant access accordingly.

Because datacenter proxies are not associated with an ISP, this process can figure out that it’s a proxy instead of a regular user. So, unfortunately, the fact that they are datacenter proxies can be traced. Your IP address is still safely hidden, though; it just doesn’t look like a normal user.

Since datacenter proxies come from the same network, their IPs will have similar IDs as each other, too. This, combined with the fact that numerous users have cycled through them and used them previously, does increase the chances of bans. Once a site realizes a datacenter proxy is involved, it can block the whole IP range, or at least a large chunk of it.

Because of this, among other reasons, it is very important to rotate your IP address to minimize the chances of bans.

Rotating Sessions

Rotating proxy services offer two different session types: rotating per request or sticky. Sticky will hold an IP address for a specific length of time, while per request is, well, going to change with every request.

As sticky session use cases are a bit more niche, let’s go over the rotation per request sessions.

By changing IP addresses with every request, you look a lot more like a bunch of different people visiting the website, instead of just you over and over again. This is essential when using a bot to automate repeated actions at the same destination, such as when data scraping. 

Most websites aren’t concerned with what type of bot is attempting to access them. They try to block all of them. Rapid calls from the same IP address are an obvious bot to them and they will block you almost immediately. By rotating IP addresses, you can avoid this situation.

Manually rotating your IP addresses with certain services can be a complicated process that requires additional software. However, some providers, like KocerRoxy, will handle rotations for you. Thus, making it easy enough to use that anyone can do it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy cheap datacenter proxies?

Exercise caution when selecting a proxy provider, especially when looking for budget-friendly options. Cheaper proxies may come with limitations or potential drawbacks, such as slower speeds, higher chances of getting blocked, or less reliable performance. Make sure the proxies meet the requirements of your project, and consider the trade-offs between cost and quality.

There are many proxy providers in the market, and some may offer competitive prices for data center proxies. It’s essential to compare their offerings, features, and pricing plans, and maybe try them out first.

Many proxy providers offer trial plans or limited free access. You can use these trials to test the quality and speed of their unlimited datacenter proxies before committing to a purchase. For example, you can try our datacenter proxies for just $2.

Are datacenter proxies detectable?

Data center proxies can be easier to detect compared to residential proxies or VPNs, primarily because they are associated with data centers and not with home or business internet connections. 

Here are some reasons why data center proxies can be more detectable:

  • IP Address Range. Data center proxies often use IP addresses from a specific range associated with data centers. Websites and online services can maintain lists of known data center IP ranges, making it relatively easy for them to flag or block traffic coming from these addresses.
  • Reverse DNS Lookups. Websites and services can perform reverse DNS lookups on incoming connections to check if the IP address corresponds to a known data center or hosting provider. If they detect a data center IP, they may treat the connection with suspicion.
  • Common Headers. Some data center proxies may send headers or characteristics in the HTTP requests that are commonly associated with proxy usage. For example, they might lack certain headers or exhibit consistent patterns that set them apart from regular users.

However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of detection methods varies from site to site. While some websites and services may have robust detection mechanisms in place, others may not actively block data center proxies, especially if they are not concerned about the potential risks associated with them.

How much datacenter proxy cost?

The cost of data center proxies can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the provider, the number of proxies you need, the location of the proxies, and any additional features or services offered. 

Here are some general pricing considerations for data center proxies:

  • Number of Proxies. Many providers offer data center proxies in various package sizes, ranging from a few proxies to thousands or more. The price typically increases as you purchase more proxies, but it becomes cheaper per proxy as you purchase larger quantities.
  • Location. The geographic location of the data center proxies can affect the cost. Proxies from more popular or in-demand locations may be more expensive.
  • Proxy Type. Different types of data center proxies (e.g., dedicated, shared) may have different price points. Dedicated proxies, which are exclusively assigned to a single user, are typically more expensive than shared proxies, which are used by multiple users.
  • Subscription Duration. Many providers offer pricing options for different subscription durations, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually. Longer-term subscriptions may offer cost savings compared to shorter-term plans.
  • Additional Features. Some providers offer extra features like IP rotation, unlimited bandwidth, and support for specific use cases (e.g., sneaker proxies for sneaker copping). These features can impact the cost of the proxy service.
  • Scalability. Some providers offer scalability options, allowing you to adjust the number of proxies as needed. This can be useful if your needs change over time.

Are proxies illegal?

Proxies themselves are not illegal. They are a legitimate technology used for various purposes, including enhancing online privacy, bypassing internet censorship, improving security, and conducting legitimate activities such as web scraping, access to geo-restricted content, and protecting sensitive data.

However, the legality of using proxies depends on how they are used and the specific laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. Using proxies for illegal activities, such as hacking, fraud, copyright infringement, or cyberattacks, is illegal and can lead to criminal charges and legal consequences.

When using proxies provided by a service or proxy provider, it’s essential to abide by their terms of service. Violating these terms may lead to the suspension or termination of your proxy service.

What proxy do hackers use?

Not all hackers use proxies, and the use of proxies alone does not make someone a hacker. Hacking is a broad term that encompasses various activities, some of which are illegal and unethical, while others are legitimate and ethical. The choice of proxy or other tools depends on the specific goals of the individual.

When it comes to hackers, they may use various tools, including proxies, for different purposes. Hackers may use proxies to conceal their true IP addresses and locations, making it more challenging to trace their activities back to them. Anonymity can help protect their identity while engaging in illegal activities.

In cases of cyberattacks or data breaches, hackers may use proxies to hide their real IP addresses while exfiltrating data from compromised systems. They may also use proxy networks to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, where multiple compromised devices or proxy servers are used to flood a target server with traffic.

Don’t forget that hacking, when done without proper authorization and for malicious purposes, is a criminal offense in many jurisdictions and can result in severe legal consequences.


There is no doubt that unlimited datacenter proxies can save you a lot of money when handling massive amounts of data.

With instant setup and stellar customer service at a great price, KocerRoxy has your unlimited bandwidth datacenter proxies needs covered. Their easy-to-use dashboard combined with their automated rotations per request will serve you well, whether you’re using a proxy for the first time or are already a veteran user.

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