Why Do You Need a Residential IP Address?

residential IP address

Updated on: August 23, 2024

Masking your IP address is vital today, especially if you have poor patience for spam, targeted ads, geo-restrictions, or other such things and wish to preserve your privacy. Our goal in this post is to give you fast and easy methods for hiding your IP address from prying eyes and to explain why you need a residential IP address.

A residential IP address is one that an ISP assigns to a home user. In other words, you can purchase a residential IP address from your ISP. This IP address is associated with a physical device, such as a computer, smartphone, or router.

What Exactly Is an IP Address?

You can think of an IP address as a digital identification card, a crucial part of Internet existence. The ISP delivers it to you, much like newsletters. There are only a limited number of IPv4 addresses available—4 294 967 296 to be exact.

You do not want to expose your IP address in the same way that you do not transmit your social security number to everybody who wants it. For one reason or another, an increasing number of people today desire to conceal their addresses.

Reasons to Hide Your IP Address

Confidentiality. Anonymity provides you with privacy on the Internet, which is by far the most important motivator and frequently a must. Often, users argue that they have nothing to hide, but that is not the point. The terrible fact is that many individuals may and will utilize your IP address for their own reasons, ranging from intrusive, targeted advertisements to less conventional actions. Your digital privacy can be attacked, just as you can get the flu virus. The hiding of the IP address makes it much more difficult for others to track the geographic location.

Geo-restricted material access. Some may claim that copyright laws are no longer relevant. That certain content is restricted owing to regional restrictions does not change. You may access premium material such as the US edition of Netflix or the BBC’s iPlayer regardless of your present location if you mask your IP address and choose one that permits you to avoid such a limitation.

Keeping digital fingerprints at bay. In layman’s terms, a digital fingerprint reflects all of the data you utilize when using the Internet. It can be passive or active. In the latter case, you willfully post your personal information on a website or social media platform. IP masking is most useful for passive fingerprinting since it makes data collection nearly impossible.

How to Hide Your IP Address?

To mask your IP address, you will need a decent proxy server. A reputable proxy server offers an easy, reliable, and capable solution. KocerRoxy can supply you with all of the benefits you want. You receive total privacy and anonymity.

Although you can use a free proxy, it is preferable to pay for one. As a general rule, avoid using free proxies. If you use a free proxy, you may end up in the same unpleasant situation that you were trying to avoid in the first place. A free proxy may appear to be a good deal at first glance. Unfortunately, they are sluggish. In addition, the owner must still generate a profit. In turn, he can implant bogus ads, track your online activity, and infect your device with malware. 

Here is your chance to get a reliable and secure proxy. KocerRoxy proxies can effortlessly mask your IP address.

How Do Residential Proxies Function?

Residential proxies work by routing your internet traffic through an intermediate server. The proxy server provides you with a different IP address via which all of your queries go through. The alternate IP address provided corresponds to an actual device. When you make a search request, it goes through your residential proxy to the resource server. Thus, websites see you similarly to any other user.

Proxy servers with residential IP addresses are more reliable and trustworthy than other proxy servers. You can use residential proxies for a variety of purposes. For more details in this regard, read Residential Proxies Use Cases.

Why Is a Residential IP Address Better?

It is important to remember that residential proxies are not as common as you think. Our use of residential proxies today is only a result of the easy detection of datacenter proxies due to the use of IP addresses from hosting companies.

Fraudsters, spammers, and hackers widely misused data center proxies. Therefore, online services devised methods to identify and stop them. Many web services, such as Cloudflare, can now detect and disable data center proxies.

Are Proxies Legal?

Proxies, in general, are neither bad nor good. They are merely instruments through which you can perform good or bad actions. While I would like to argue that residential proxies have useful uses, such as ad verification and testing websites, the fact remains that one can use residential proxies to violate a web service’s terms of service or to access restricted content.

Most websites prohibit the use of proxies, including Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, eBay, BBC iPlayer, and many others. In reality, several online services have implemented proxy-detecting technologies to restrict the usage of proxies on their platform. However, the majority of these services use or continue to use proxies for competition analysis and marketing purposes. Isn’t it ironic that online services refuse to allow their customers to use proxies while they use proxies on other platforms?


Regular proxy networks are ideal if you want to browse the internet anonymously. You might consider a residential proxy if you need to avoid blacklists and run a succession of heavy searches.

Your IP address can easily reveal your location. For simple Internet surfing, you can use datacenter proxies. But if, for example, you want to purchase shoes or tickets in bulk or collect data online, a residential IP address is better suited to these tasks. Still not sure? Read residential proxies use cases.

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